28 November 2013

Thankful Thursday - Thankful and Happy

I woke up this morning with the "Meow? Meow?" of Conway in my ear and then, before I opened my eyes, the loud purring of Villy as she sat next to my pillow. It was clearly past the time I was 'supposed' to be up; it's Thanksgiving morning. 

What a difference a year, or two, can make. Here's a link to last year's post : Thankful Thursday - Thanksgiving Redux

If we're thankful in our hearts, not just in the words we put on paper (literal or virtual), life's bounty is endless. As I re-read last years post, the first thing that popped off the page was my statement about "four feline friends"; sadly, Tootsie is now at the Rainbow bridge with our beloved boys, Butch & Kid. 

Conway, Villonia (Villy) and Goober are very much alive and kicking. We were just discussing, this morning, our "thankful" list and they are at the top. Not only are they amazing creatures but they awoke Love in our house. At a point in our lives when Love had fallen into a deep sleep, they none-so-gently roused It by bringing in laughter, which woke up Love.

And so, today, we have much to be thankful for. We've stripped out the unhealthy, be they people, habits, or things and in their place are now more healthful choices. We have added things that make us laugh and smile; these are the things we now cultivate more passionately. We never forget the challenges behind us, because they help to prepare us for the challenges ahead. There are many: some short term, and some much longer-term. But we'll be taking them on as a team.

We're going to be celebrating, as we did last year, spending this afternoon with Cas's family in Chicago. We're having 'non-traditional' food this year, including the fabulous goat we took into the City last weekend, other yummy Filipino food, ham and my Gram's famous oatmeal cookies I made yesterday. Oh, and the little steamed cakes I made this year, they're called puto in Filipino, and I realize it's a not-so-nice word in Spanish. But that's what it's called, and I decided to try to make it so that when we visit my mother-in-law I'll be able to show her that I learned how to make it! 

Saturday, part of my family will be here to celebrate, and I'll be cooking the turkey and making Granny's fabulous potato coquettes (mashed potatoes rolled in bread crumbs and deep fried; a once-a-year treat that is really too good for words). I am looking forward to having a house full of guests enjoying good food and the warmth of sharing what I have with others.

There is so much going on, for which I am incredibly thankful, in both my personal genealogy and work, but that will have to wait for a future post. Has to wait, which will be explained hopefully very soon. What I will say is that, other than my family and fur-babies, there is nothing I'm more thankful for than my work. I am so blessed. 

Thank you, especially, to those of you who continue to read this blog. It's been a bit of a herky-jerky year; I'm very glad to say that will be ending very soon. Please, enjoy the holiday. It's only once a year we officially take the time to be thankful, and I fear this day is being diminished by the commercial nature of our world. So, take a moment to hug a family member, share in the hospitality of the day, and be thankful. 

Tomorrow is another day.

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